AAA Tax Service

9836 E. Foothill Blvd Ste 6

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730

(909)989-9600 or (909)241-1605



Filing Options - RTL

New! Real Time Loan

A Real Time Loan is a $1000 advance from the bank using the taxpayer's federal tax return as the collateral. It can be issued to the taxpayer within 30 minutes of filing. The rest of the taxpayer's return can come in the form of a bank product of their choice. (RAL, ERC, RET)

$1000 check issued within minutes of filing!

Fee are deducted from your refund.

To qualify, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Must be 18 years or older and cannot be a first time filer.

  2. Must have a valid physical address (No PO Boxes), phone number, and social security number.

  3. Must have a net withholding of AT LEAST $200.00 (excluding any EITC).

  4. Must have a refund greater than the bank and preparer fees.

  5. Cannot have filed bankruptcy (of any kind) within the past 12 months.

  6. Cannot have a delinquent student loan, VA loan, HUD loan, or any other obligation involving Federal agencies.

  7. Cannot have delinquent child/family support.

  8. Cannot have claimed a foster child, niece, nephew, brother, sister, or grandchild.

  9. Cannot have all Schedule C income or negative AGI.

  10. Cannot have an outstanding or unpaid Tax Refund Loan with SBBT or any other bank.

All are required to present 2 forms of ID, at least one MUST be a photo ID. Acceptable forms are:

  • Valid driver's license with picture

  • Social Security Card

  • Military ID

  • Other forms of ID are subject to approval by Santa Barbara Bank & Trust